
We believe that the purpose of the church is to be the hands and feet of Christ- to join with other believers who are called out. The church isn’t simply a place to come; it is better described as God’s movement reaching people around the world with the saving power of Jesus Christ. As followers of Christ, we are all uniquely gifted to minister. These unique gifts are given to edify (build up) the church. They are not for our own use and gain, but for God’s glory. Don’t just ‘come and see’, but ‘go and reach’!

We can worship God and Build believers, but if we’re not actively endeavoring to reach people, then we’re not a church. This is not a job relegated only to the Pastors and leaders in the church. This is a commandment by Jesus to all of us. We are all commanded and called to reach people. The command has to do with the obedience of actually going to reach people. The call has to do with the where (more than one place by the way) of going.

You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.                                      - Acts 1:8

Here at Parkway we seek to obey Jesus’ command by endeavoring to reach our neighbors and the nations. Every group, from our Small Groups to our Student ministry, is asked to be involved in reaching our neighbors and the nations. It is not neighbors or the nations. It is not neighbors first, then the nations. We seek to reach both.

  • 0Global Partners
  • 0Project Partners
  • 0Acts 1:8 Offering
  • 0Countries Impacted


2025 Short-Term Projects

February Aman & Shanti* Melissa Futrell Ladies only
March 28-29 SBC & Caleb Eckerd George Siler Serve Tour, General trip
April SBC of Virginia TBA Adults/ young adults
May Scott & Rebecca Neighbors* TBA General trip
June 23-27 M-Fuge Camp Mike Camire Studentz trip
Jun 28 - Jul 6 Adam Clemmons Toby Tolson/   Tim Lindsay General trip
July 7-14 Jason Bishop (IMB) Travis Oden and Donnie Taylor HS students & leaders trip
July 17-19 SBCV Family Fusion Mike Camire Family trip
August 1-4 Graeme Dyck Mike Camire Studentz trip
Sept 10-20 IMB TBA General trip
October IMB Lane Jones General trip
October Nico Guarino TBA General trip
November Aman & Shanti* Steve Eddy General trip

If you are interested in participating in any of the above short-term missions projects, please use the form below to learn more. 



The Acts 1:8 Global Missions offering supports all of our missionaries.  When we give specifically to the Acts 1:8 offering we participate in Parkway's vision of sending and supporting laborers in the harvest fields.

The Parkway Missions Committee allocates Acts 1:8 funds on an annual basis across several areas which may include, but are not necessarily limited to:

  • Supporting Parkway's Primary Partner missionaries.
  • Supporting missionary ministry supplies (Bibles, resources).
  • Supporting Vision Virginia State Missions offering & Annie Armstrong Offering.
  • Supporting missionaries with IMB through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.

We are asking God to help us send 20 missionaries over the next 5 years who will plant churches all over the world and labor to gather God's promised harvest.

ACTS 1:8 Supported Partners:

Adam & Vilma Clemmons - Guatemala
Nick & Jem Guarino - Philippines
**Aman and Shanti - India
Mike & Jane Nales - Romania
**Alex & Jenny S. - Central Asia
** Scott & Rebecca Neighbors - NOVA

**denotes pseudonym for security purposes

Missions Resources

Parkway is an autonomous Southern Baptist Church that cooperates with 42,000+ other SBC churches to do missions. This means we know we are not the only organization out there and we’re not the end-all be-all when it comes to reaching people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. There are many organizations and churches we can learn from and partner with to reach people. As an individual, married couple, or family you can benefit from know about and using these missions agencies/resources to disciple your family to be on mission with Jesus!